Flipper stroke by flipper stroke the cast glass Mrs. Loggerhead of this environmental art education sculpture is being born!!! The slump process is two parts. First a bisque mold, which you are viewing here and next a plaster mold, that I made from a clay model I molded to specifically fit on Mrs. Loggerhead’s plastron.

In the images you see the carapace is not quite sitting down yet on the cast glass plastron pieces. The carapace is back in the kiln in the plaster mold to finish forming the shape – giving more height to the carapace and flattening the one side a bit to slip in between the flipper and main body. Carol Webb and I peaked this afternoon at peak temperature and all looked well. At that point there was 17 more hours of annealing and cooling in the program and then more cooling. I am on the road after the carapace is out of the kiln – so my next posting might be next week. Awe….building anticipation!

We have made major strides here at C3. Special thanks to Carol and her husband Paul for housing and feeding me; and especially Carol, as I have covered most studio table spaces and used the majority of her kilns the last two plus weeks. And for her expertise and shared comradely in accomplishing the completion of this work. Thanks to team member Cathy Coverley for designing this dazzling carapace for Mrs. Loggerhead.

Now back to Montana, to finish the hatchlings and the four wheeler tire tread and a couple odds and ends. Then some major cold working on edges. An assembly of all the parts – a dress rehearsal if you will at team members, Pat Arnold and Dennis McCloud’s home and then delivery of the sculpture to a sea turtle hospital/children’s education center/marine wildlife based museum.

We continue to look to extend our team through your donations to fund this project. The sculpture placement will be where the most children, youth and adults can learn more about sea turtle conservation and ways to volunteer to help save all seven species. I thank you for your help. Forever wildlife, forever glass, forever turtles. Kathleen

I am blessed. If any one knows of a museum/learning center/sea turtle hospital that potentially would be interested in my sculpture as a permanent educational art work in their facility please pass this information on or message or email me with contact information.