There is the song….”When you walk through a storm hold your head up high….and don’t be afraid of the dark….for at the end of the storm is a golden sky”..….and the last frenzy of cast glass hatchlings for the Cycle of Life Sculpture! Hallelujah!!!
There were storms – one on the morning of July 5th – when the kiln temp reached 1625 degrees for the soak to make all whole….the kiln went into an error mode – ..REPROGRAM AND PRAY…..and then Montana had that LITTLE earth quake that night:-)….and my concrete floor in my studio shook….BUT THE ELECTRICITY STAYED ON!!! So this morning – alive and well…the final cast glass hatchlings are born!!!! Over the last few days I also finished the cast glass tire tread and sea turtle flipper berms made by the mamma sea turtle as she leaves the nest.

And now to pack and head to Alexandria, VA for the assembly of our sculpture. May the FORCE BE WITH ME…to get all the boxes filled…hopefully today:-)!!!!!