In addition to promoting our 6th conservation campaign non profit, OVAID, Orangutan Veterinary Aid, I continue to make progress on the coral reef commission. All the final partial ocean critters are complete, and fine tuning of detail of each critter/coral by ...
I received the last two custom furniture pieces that were part of an incredible barter, a few days ago. An end table and a sofa table for my new living room in Florida. Inset in each table is my history, my story from my first little mosaic fused glass study, to...
I have three fine art wall pieces and three Spiritual Reliquaries vessels that collectors would like me to sell for them. The term used is “Second Market”. All have had one previous owner and were bought because the collectors loved the work, but also as...
I have borrowed Jeff Birchill’s words about our exhibit…(thanks Jeff) “Because of the pandemic, This year’s 60th “Art & The Animal” exhibition was cancelled. However, the Society of Animal Artists is putting in its place a...
Powdered glass frits turn out pastel colors for the most part. Miss Rabbit more delicate then intended. Another layer pending. Coral reef color studies are information for larger panel. Turtle tray. Truly Wild Plate. Coasters.