The Cycle of Life team is gearing up to complete our sea turtle environmental art education sculpture. In a couple weeks I will head to COL Team Member Carol Webb’s studio, to finish the oil spill sections, and slump the glass carapace into a mold for Mrs. Loggerhead’s top side. In addition I will be casting the final hatchlings over the next month. All of us needed to return to our regular schedules and have had just a few hours here and there, over the last months, to continue working on the project. In spite of that, we have continued to make the required progress. Now we are ready to complete the project. I will transport all the parts we finish to Alexandria, Virginia, where all the completed sections are stored.

Exact dates pending, in April, Team Members, Dennis McCloud, Pat Arnold and I will assemble the sculpture in totality. At that point, I should know the nonprofit sea turtle hospital/educational facility where the sculpture will be permanently installed and deliver/install it.

It is time for additional fund raising to complete our sea turtle environmental art education project. I have contacted a fund raising group and it will take a while to put the application and new video together. In the meantime I am offering several artworks, studies and other thank you gifts for donations that will fund the final stages of our project. So a pre fund raiser to the fund raiser to commence when this posting goes live.

COL Team Member, Cathy Coverley, created Mrs. Mini Loggerhead as a prototype to the life size Mrs. Loggerhead that is a part of our sculpture, which Cathy also masterminded. For a $4,500 donation towards the completion of our sculpture and sea turtle conservation, Mrs. Mini Loggerhead, will become part of your art collection. The first images shown, are just after Cathy finished Mrs. Mini, at her studio in San Diego, CA. last spring. Please email me via this website if you are interested in making this donation. The last two images are of our life sized Mrs. Loggerhead’s head, flippers and plastron. The last photo is a photo of the carapace which will be slumped and fit on top of the two base pieces.

In the next posting I will place a collage of other thank you gifts for your donations. Any and all donations are welcome and we are grateful for your support! In the Blog on this website,, there is a link for the Cycle of Life: Sea Turtle Glass Sculpture which has DONATE buttons to contribute directly to the conservation project or there is a DONATE button directly at the bottom of my main page.  Thank YOU!  Turtle Sister